List Forms

The list forms endpoint returns a JSON array of form objects. You must authenticate your request using one the accepted authentication methods.

Example Request

By default, the endpoint will return the 10 most recently received forms.

Example Request by Form ID

You can retrieve individual forms by including the form id.

Example Request with Query Parameters

You may filter the results using several available query parameters.

Query Parameters

id optional

Request a specific form id (same as including the id as a subdirectory, see example above).

reference optional

If a reference string was set when the session was created, you may query it here.

brandId optional

If a brandId was set when the session was created, you may query it here. Brands are only available to users on the Enterprise Plan.

name optional

An individual's name. This parameter acts like a "text contains" search, meaning it will return all forms that match any part of the individual's name. This parameter only works for forms that contain an individual's name in the form data, such as form W-9 or form W-8BEN. Spaces can be included as URL-encoded values like %20.

businessName optional

A business name. This parameter acts like a "text contains" search, meaning it will return all forms that match any part of the business name. This parameter only works for forms that contain a business name in the form data, such as form W-9. Spaces can be included as URL-encoded values like %20.

email optional

A valid email address. Email addresses exist in the signature object rather than the form object, so when you list forms by email address, the endpoint returns all forms with an associated signature object that includes the email address.

startDate optional

A date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. This will be interpreted as any date greater than or equal to the date provided.

endDate optional

A date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. This will be interpreted as any date less than or equal to the date provided.

limit optional

A number between 1 and 100. The default is 10. There is a maximum of 100 results per request.

offset optional

The number of results to skip. For example, if you enter a limit of 100 and an offset of 100, the first 100 results will be skipped and the next 100 results will be returned. If you request a limit of 100 and you receive exactly 100 results, you may want to make a follow-up request with an offset of 100 to check for additional results. If there are no additional results the API will return an empty array.